IPL Dry Eye Therapy


SUFFERING FROM DRY, ITCHY, RED, OR BURNING EYES? You are not alone. Between 30 to 40 million Americans are estimated to suffer from Dry Eye Disease. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is considered a leading cause in Dry Eye Disease, accounting for about 86% of cases.* Dry Eye Disease due to MGD can have a significant impact on your quality of life, leading to foreign body sensation, pain, blurry vision, dry or watery eyes. We know how tough and frustrating this can be – and you deserve a solution.


OptiLight – A Bright Solution For Dry Eyes

www.treatmydryeye.com OptiLIGHT elevates dry eye management with Lumenis’ patented Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) and user-centered design. Get the safe, precise, elegant procedure you want and the comfortable, effective therapy you need to manage dry eye disease. OptiLight is an FDA-approved root cause therapy for dry eye disease that removes the source of inflammation, providing long-term relief. It is the first and only drug-free, drop-free treatment for dry eyes and styes/chalazions. OptiLight with Lumenis patented Optimal Pulse Technology uses precise, intense broad spectrum light to address the inflammation – one of the key underlying factors in dry eye disease due to MGD. OptiLight is specifically developed to reach the delicate contours of the treated area safely, effectively and gently. OptiLight sets new treatment standards and helps patients find a real solution for their dry eyes.



  • Reduce Inflammatory Mediators – Decrease the level of pro-inflammatory mediators to inhibit inflammation.1,2
  • Improve Tear Breakup Time – Significantly boost tear break up time and decrease osmolarity.6,7
  • Alleviate Abnormal Blood Vessels – Destroy the abnormal blood vessels that perpetuate inflammation.3,4
  • Restore Meibomian Glands – Improve meibomian gland morphology and functionality.2
  • Decrease Demodex – Decrease the population of Demodex mites, which stimulate infection and boost the bacterial load on eyelids.5


OptiLight settings are supported by over 30 clinical studies and have been in existence for over 20 years in cosmetic and dermatologic treatment. They have been improved to treat and manage dry eye, as well as styes and chalazions. The treatment prevents the recurrence of a stye or chalazion in the same gland. Most patients experience results after the first treatment and notice further improvement after the second treatment. Aesthetic benefits are commonly provided through non-invasive facial photorejuvenation.


Optimal results in just a few short sessions

  • A course of treatment typically includes 4 sessions spaced 2-4 weeks apart.
  • Each session usually takes only 10-15 minutes.
  • During the treatment, your practitioner will apply a coupling gel on the treatment area and cover your eyes with shields.
  • You may experience a warm sensation as light is applied to the skin, the treatment is gentle.
  • OptiLight is often followed by Meibomian Glands expression.

Gentle, Fast, No-Downtime, You can return to your daily activities and apply makeup straight away in most cases. Patients usually report an improvement after their 2nd or 3rd treatment. Maintenance treatments are usually recommended every 6-12 months, to ensure the best long-term results. OptiLight treatment isn’t invasive and is applied on the area below the eyes


About Photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation refers to the use of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to treat conditions related to sun-induced skin damage. IPL uses a broad spectrum of light, which is primarily absorbed by melanin and oxyhemoglobin and is effective in reducing the appearance of sun spots, capillaries, elastosis, and fine lines.